
my name is leeaux & this is my official website. on it you will find a list of my projects, accomplishments, thoughts, & works of art.

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i’m trying something new, introducing “Reflection”

hi friends; if you’re reading this, you’ve either already subscribed to my website or are likely viewing this link from twitter. i think what i’m trying is completely different. instead of submitting my sacred works of art to be lost in the endless twitter feeds, i’m offering those who truly want to collect my work and watch the evolution of my practice a more personal connection/touch through my site. REFLECTION

the art spell of april ✨

ive decided to do something i’ve never done that will come with great risk. i’m taking on a daily art illustration and minting project for the month of April. all works for this series are minted at KnownOrigin. during this time, i’ll be exploring wherever i can to soak up as much inspiration as possible. the risk factors come from minting. if you’re new to NFTs usually theres a gas

the only constant is change

September has been an incredible month for me. September was an intense time of changes for many aspects of my life. in many different avenues i have began growing and expanding to what feels like the greatest version of myself. i overcame. maybe we should take with us the understanding of how cycles actually prepare us for life’s infinite possibilities. one thing I found interesting that I saw in a

i found a new way to cope

when i was about 16-17 i started my first clothing brand in high school. after the first collection was released i ordered more with my partner at the time. while i was in the car with my mom on the way to church i sincerely thought “after this.. it will be nothing but clear blue skies…” i was completely wrong with that statement. life has been a series of dramatic