
my name is leeaux & this is my official website. on it you will find a list of my projects, accomplishments, thoughts, & works of art.

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i found a new way to cope

when i was about 16-17 i started my first clothing brand in high school. after the first collection was released i ordered more with my partner at the time. while i was in the car with my mom on the way to church i sincerely thought “after this.. it will be nothing but clear blue skies…” i was completely wrong with that statement.

life has been a series of dramatic highs and lows that shaped me into who i am today. since then.. nearly twelve years later i find myself still learning valuable lessons. art has been a critical aspect of my life and has existed romantically next to me side by side though many many lonely times. sometimes the goals you want to meet take years, sometimes they take months. the only thing that matters is that you never give up on your passions or what you’re pursuing. friends come and go, that will never change. values align differently and that too is fine. my advice is to spend more intimate times with your craft and yourself to discover who you are.

this is an illustration i completely shortly after getting back to Las Vegas. i was walking around the city deeply reflecting on life after working with Portculture with the Buku art installments. this drawing was made without the use of any pencil. only pen.

thank you for believing in my art with me. i am living in Las Vegas trying to acquire a studio space to create out of regularly. i’ve met a lot of beautiful and brilliant people while here. i love it and the new life i am surrounding myself with. i also love the sunsets. tomorrow is my moms birthday. i am two months and a week or so free of alcohol + cigarettes. cold turkey. i don’t plan to have alcohol apart of my life anymore. when i celebrate making a million i might have a mimosa.

i love you. believe in yourself.

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