
my name is leeaux & this is my official website. on it you will find a list of my projects, accomplishments, thoughts, & works of art.

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inktober 2023

hollow planet 01

the world is a maze, a planet entombed in matter

citizen 02
friend 03

art is perspective & illusion

wander magi 04
loyalty 05
glorious rampart 06

a glorious defense for the meek

calamity 07
elixir 08
frogs & the orb 09

i undergo rebirth—with death comes life.

comparison 10

comparison is the thief of joy

ace of swords 11
karma 12
introspective illumination 13
light, blood, & stone 14
agent of ether 15
harvest 16
quanti 17
potestatem recipi 18

reclaimed power

sentinel 19
through fire (XX) 20
atam No.3 21
labor 22
ascend 23
boy with karma No.2 24
hyperbolic cage 25
divine intervention 26
betwixt 27
descend 28
balance 30
phantom 31